My minature giraffe lives deep in the forest of the midly, hot Congo. A variety of vegetation grows within this dense forest providing a plentiful amount of food. Though this creature only eats other producers, there are predators that hunt it. This includes: snakes, spiders, birds, and anything bigger than it. The miniture giraffe's tiny legs is an adaption that allows it to eat food that lurk along the ground. Also, the tiny body it has makes hiding frrom preadtors a lot easier helping the creature to survive longer. My specie lives in packs with ohers of its kind. How about you?????
-- Edited by 4brittneygriner on Wednesday 27th of February 2013 03:04:34 PM
The white mamba is a BEAUTIFUL snake. It lives in the Sahara desert, one of the hottest, driest places in the world. It keeps cool with two glands on either side of its head that pump air in and out, and its looong slender body. If you're just walking around, it may be quite hard to spot one against the sand. they just blend right in. That way a little rodent or bird could be moving nearby and then WHACK! it'll dig its fangs right in and kill it instantly. Boy, i sure wouldn't wanna get one of them mad.
That's pretty dope. Do you think the white mamba would eat my miniture giraffe? Probably!!!!!!
-- Edited by 4brittneygriner on Wednesday 27th of February 2013 03:07:11 PM
No disrespect intended, but you are asking for trouble, Taylor.
All our animals are beautiful in their way, cause God makes no mistakes. None are better than the others. The different adaptations lead to different forms of natural selection in each species, and none are the same. We cannot assume one is better than the other when they aren't up against the same battles.
-- Edited by 4ladygaga on Wednesday 27th of February 2013 09:14:12 PM
The white mamba is a BEAUTIFUL snake. It lives in the Sahara desert, one of the hottest, driest places in the world. It keeps cool with two glands on either side of its head that pump air in and out, and its looong slender body. If you're just walking around, it may be quite hard to spot one against the sand. they just blend right in. That way a little rodent or bird could be moving nearby and then WHACK! it'll dig its fangs right in and kill it instantly. Boy, i sure wouldn't wanna get one of them mad.
wait for it..... wait for it.... Got her! Crikey! look at this Shiela. Boy she's just BEAUTIFUL
Through my great exploration i have discovered the BEST organism ever. It is the mating of a Chimp and Dog. My two favoirte animals, i really miss my dog Rusty, but now i can combine him with my chimps. They are called Chogs. They have a dogs powerful nose which helps them sniff out the ripest bananas, this increases their ability to survive. The climate consist of cool winters and hot summers, with a lot of rain.Fortunately, the Chog has the intelliegence of a Chimp and can build a shelter. The Chog has the ability to shed its long Chimpanze fur, used in the winter,to short dog like fur in the hot summer. The chog's habitat is located in Africa and there is low ground vegetation and worms that the Chog may dine on. Now these animals are only half as good as regular Chimps, but they have many adaptations that help them survive.
"The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves."
In the rainforests of south america there is an organism the is highly worshiped by the locals because they greatly fear it. They call it the Mungu. The Mungu is a very sacred animal because it has adapted to its environment by not having to drink a lot of water, instead it has adapted special ducts that simply pull water out of the very moist air. The locals worship its ability to make life easier. It also has razor sharp claws that allow it to climb up to the top of any tree, whether it has branches or not. Adaptations like these make surviving a much easier task. And its razor sharp claws can believe it or not help it kill much larger prey for up to 5 meals at once.
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.
I feel like my Mangu willl be much more succesful in the jungle because i am not sure how the adaptation of being shorter helps it when the mangu simply swipes the razor clawsonce and has a fresh meal. Great thoughts though!
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.
That is more succesful than the miniature giraffe.
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.
Searching the interwebs on my iphone, I found an amazing animal named the Puger. It is a mix of a Puma and a Tiger. I lives on the African grasslands where it is a mild warm and cold summers and winters. It feeds on just about any thing it wants because its advantage is its super speed and endurance. Also it has adapted eye sight which lets it see in the dark better and the ability to hunt in the dark if needed. That gives me an idea for a new "attacker" for Temple Run 3. Hmmm....
Forget about your petty animals. The Roman wolf is one of the greatest animals in the world. It has adapted to shed its fur during the diffrent seasons to blend into the surroundings when stalking prey. It has also adapted the trait for enhanced vision, which make them heat sensetive and able to see long distances, making it the top predator. Not even a hawk or fox could beat the wolf to its prey. The wolf is a sacred animal to us Romans because the immortal wolf Lupa nursed Remus and Romulus, who grew to become the founders of Rome. And Dr. King, my Roman wolf could annialate your Mangu any day, because it has the Roman fighting spirit.
If I have played my part well, clap your hands, and dismiss me with applause from the stage.-Me
I found Rome of clay; I leave it to you of marble-Also Me
My animal would be the kangaroo.Um... my organism would live in Australia...and it would live in the grasslands. organism lives in sub tropical areas of Australia. Oh .... but sadly...the marsupial lion......, Megalania..... and the Wonambi... are predators to the kangaroo.Um...some adaptations are.....the hind legs... which allows the kangaroo to move very fast...... for long distances...... while using little energy.Um... but.... the kangaroo eats very coarse grass.... the teeth wear down over the point... of eventually falling out.
Ight so check this out. My animal is the YMCMBasourus hehe. It lives in an island in the middle of the pacific ocean. its really hot cuz its right on the equator. there are no other animals cuz he ate them all like rappers hehe. theres only reall tall palm trees that it eats cuz thats what money comes form hehehe. a couple adaptations are its hard teeth to bite into the trees and a big tail so if anything comes on his island he'll whip it, so watch yourself chris brown or ill let drake borrow him hehehe. I love all of you forever! YOUNG MOOLAH BAAABY!
My animal is called the "America Seal"-- it's a seal that lives in the oceans surrounding my home state of Alaska! Hundreds of years ago, the America Seal's fur was red white and blue, which is how it earned its name. However, because the vibrant reds and blues on their coats were too noticeable to predators like walruses and hunters on land, over time the America Seals adapted to their environment and became entirely white like the snow in Alaska. They eat the small fish in the ocean and certain sea and land plants that they can find in their habitat. Although they are hunted by other larger species, they can easily escape entrapment by biting their attacker and injecting them with a poison not unlike that of a snakes! This is another adaptation that the America Seals have evolved to over time because originally their population decreased rapidly due to predation. They look cute and innocent on the outside, but inside they're venomous and defensive.... sort of like some of the politicians I know....
"'Refudiate,''misunderestimate,''wee-wee'd up.'English is a living language.Shakespeare liked to coin new words too.Got to celebrate it!'"- Me
Umm ... thats too bad cause the YMCMBasourus loves the minature giraffes so it will eat the kangaroo ... and everyone else ... Cause like Akon says, We Takin Oveeer! hehehe. YMCMB for life!
Your snake would never stand a chance against my America Seal in a cold climate like Alaska! Although.... I guess the America Seal wouldn't do so great in the desert either.
"'Refudiate,''misunderestimate,''wee-wee'd up.'English is a living language.Shakespeare liked to coin new words too.Got to celebrate it!'"- Me
Mikimotos are very extraordinary spieces that are a mix between a hippo and lion. As you can imagine this spieces is a very large and strong breed. They live in the hot dry climate of the Sahara dessert. There they enjoy eating watermelon-cacti, bam bam deer and little teeny tiny bugs called teeny tinies. The mikimoto shares its habitat with several other organisms such has the squawk squawk bird and the black ninja snake. For the mikimotos to better survive and reproduce in its enviroment and increase its evolutionary fitness it has huge feet to help it crush its prey and short hair that keeps it cooled off. The males in this spieces also has a long haired mane to attract the ladies! This is my favorite spieces becasue i like just like the name soo much! haha
Well, I suppose my creature would be an enormous coal-black hound, but not such a hound as mortal eyes have ever seen or one that could ever be tamed. Its howl could paralyze any living thing and its eyes would glow with a smouldering glare. I name it the devil's hound that lives in the moorlands to hunt the deer and burrowing animals. It would have thick black fur to keep it warm from the wet and cold as well as to blend in to the night, when it hunts. None shall dare to hunt it and just the sight of the beast's silhouette would send any sane being running. Its darkness adapted eyes would help it find prey even on moonless nights. Hmm... this is the perfect hound for one of my stories.
"...When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
Forget about your petty animals. The Roman wolf is one of the greatest animals in the world. It has adapted to shed its fur during the diffrent seasons to blend into the surroundings when stalking prey. It has also adapted the trait for enhanced vision, which make them heat sensetive and able to see long distances, making it the top predator. Not even a hawk or fox could beat the wolf to its prey. The wolf is a sacred animal to us Romans because the immortal wolf Lupa nursed Remus and Romulus, who grew to become the founders of Rome. And Dr. King, my Roman wolf could annialate your Mangu any day, because it has the Roman fighting spirit.
Hmm... no hard feelings Ceasar, but I do belive that my hound possesses a much greater potential for surviual than any wolf.
"...When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
Lil believe your YMCMBasorous is quite foolish. That name is quite WHAT IS YMCMB? You ARE A DISGRACE TO ALL and your animal is nothing to my kangaroo
My organism is a Siltopop. Its a snake that lives on the coastal areas of the pacific ocean. They live their lives mainly in the water. The Ipomoea flower grows around the coast where the snakes come up to land. Elephant seals and crabs are some of the animals you can see hanging around the coast. One of their adaptations was their light skin. they swim in shallow waters so they can blend in. It also developed gills so it can spend prolonged hours in the ocean without drowning. I'd love to be able to spend my life under the water, but be able to come up when I want!
oh and i really like this emoticon!
"I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done."
Hehe so Mr.Cosby, I ain't got time to argue with your foolishness or write a rap i for u cuz I'm 2 busy getting money. Just read my signature though and that should correct ya. hehe love ya
My organism would be a poop covered squirrel. It would live in San Diego (of course). It has a great mild climate, but there are not a lot of plants or animals of any kind. One adaptation is that its covered in poop so nobody can eat it, and it has big teeth to eat hard decaying bits of food that it finds in the garbage.
My organism is called a Montigue, it's a lizard but bigger and better. Its habitat is a desert climate which obviously means crazy hot days and super cold nights! The desert area that the Montigue lives in is the Arizona region. Some plants there are tall, fluted saguaros and organ pipes, the “teddy bear“ cholla, the prickly pear and the yucca. There are the ocotillo bush, the mesquite and Palo Verde trees. Some animals are rattlesnakes, the Gila monster, the prairie dog, coyotes, horned toads, jaguars, bighorn sheep, the jackrabbit and the unusual desert bird, the roadrunner. Some adaptations of the Montigue are that they can retain heat (for extreme nights) and retain its frigidness (for extreme days). Also, if threatened, spines off its back come out along with claws on its paws and its swing is so powerful that it can mortally wound just about any organism in the desert.
-"You can't knock on opportunity's door and not be ready."
Really your wolf has the power to see better and bald itself for different times of the year . That's too cool man that I can't handle it. Does your animal have the power to grow weapons off its body and mortally wound prey and predators? I think not. :)
-"You can't knock on opportunity's door and not be ready."
The blake, a bird snake is the most evolutionary fit organism, fo' shizzle. It slithers just like them snakes do, but because of one on their most helpful adaptations, when they sense danger they use wings on both sides of their body to fly them away from whatever wants to eat them up. Another adaptation that makes them unique is their talent to chance their own temperature dependin' on how da weather is outside. They can activate their wings for warmth or tuck their wings away to let their scaley skin cool them off.
YO, Ron my man...your poop covered squirrel would never survive in San Diego. Or anywhere eva. It couldn't breath through the poop covering its face and it would die without producing offspring. You feel me?
The Smeagel is a marine creature that can live anywhere along the ocean's continental shelf. This animal has fins with small needles on the ends. These needles can be used as a food sourece for the Smeagel and be shot at other animals like a projectile as a way of defense or went hunting for prey. This animal is about half the size of a normal shark and has very reflective scales.
Hey... Snoop Dog THE BLAKE: If it can fly, what is the point of the movement of a snake. Sounds like a lot of wasted work for an animal I mean really, is flying not the best way to get away from... Predators?
A calecca lives in a Georgia forest. It's surrounded by all types of trees and many small shrubs. It's mild where the calecca lives. Hot summers, semi-cold winters... you get the jist of it. Squirrels, deer, wolves, coyotes, and rabbits surround the calecca. Being a small rodent, the calecca has a very furry tail to keep it warm during the winter. Its brown coloration helps to camouflage it from predators. These adaptations assist the organism in survival, making it more evolutionary fit.
My animal is a waven. It's a cross between a wolf and a raven. Haha get it? 'Cause I'm Raven! wavens live in the taiga. The taiga is pretty cold year round. These beasts live in the northern part of the US and in southern Canada. Black bears and moose along with many spruce and pine trees are found in this area. My waven has big enough wings to be able to fly after its fast prey. The waven also has a thick coat of hair to keep it warm during the harsh winters. That makes my wavens evolutionarily fit to survive longer and reproduce.
Hey Bill Cosby, what would happen if you put your kangaroo up against my calecca or any other organism mentioned here? The kangaroo would not end up on hop (yes sir, I just said that). Now tell me, what gives you the nerve to go around implying that your animal is the best? Brother, your little stuffed animal is not even that evolutionary fit. Try a kind of shenanigan like that again and I'll see to it that you'll go to Guantanamo bay, COS- you'll -BY in a world of trouble. One other thought, shouldn't your organism's name be a Boo-Bop-Ba-Shoop-Beepasaurus?
No, "Snoop Dogg", I do not feel you. Nor will I ever feel you. Liberals, am I right? Now you leave the nice man alone, or we can easily start a Cold War right here, right now. Do you want that to happen? No, you don't because you know that you're not as tough as me. Now try something one more time and you will be in some major doo doo my friend, in fact you'll be in even more doo doo than the poop-covered squirrel. Do you feel me "man?"
My fire breathing dragon lives high up in the warm mountains, providing it with tons of animas such as sheep and cattle that that it can torch and then eat. Also, plent of vegetation is around since the climate is pretty moderate year round since the ecosystem is located near the equator. Some of my dragons adaptations are its wings which allow my organism to survive better since it can easily flee from any attacker. Also, my dragon has fire breathing capabilities which allows quicker predation. All it has to do is roast it and then strike quick like I would against someone!
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."- Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali, that is just uncalled for. I'm a fan of constructive criticism, but bashing on a man's rapping is just crossing the line. I surely hope that your fire breathing dragon roasts better than you because if not, you can't expect a species out of those little lizards.
My organism is called a Miniature Monster. It is fierce and confident like me, living in the suburbs, much like a bird or squirrel might be seen, but better. The MM is covered in sequins and glitter, which is an adaptation because it fends off any big monsters that try to attack. Also, its got a killer screech, just like me, used for mating and passing on genes. It eats only common plants (no meat- saving it for another outfit!) such as grass or weeds, and tends to be hunted by dogs and other pests Miley Cyrus loves. Luckily, its adaptations give it more of a chance to survive and reproduce.
Aye! My animal is the Land Shark. Yes LAND SHARK! It lives in the coastal rgions and the ocean. The Land Shark is surrounded by seaweed, kelp, and other less awesome sharks. The Land Shark has gills and lungs making it the ideal aquatic/land animal. It can also sprout legs from its body to roam the earth. Its basicaly the new hip totaly awesome thing to have as a pet.
I couldn't find water so I drank my urine. Yummmmm
Raven Symone, I'm beginning to dislike your attitude. Your cruelty and insensitivity towards Taylor Swift has led to the teardrops on her guitar. All you are is mean. I knew you were trouble when you walked in. Now you're just another picture to burn. Don't try to apologize now because it's too late for you and your white horse to come around.
Hey my animal is the best!!!!!!! It's a Kolve Dragon a cross between a Komodo Dragon and a Gray Wolve. The Kolve Dragon has the best vision so it can see predators from a far distance and it has large, thick, and furry body so it can survive in cold areas. The Kolve Dragon lives in the cold and snowy forests found in Canada, Europe and Russia. The Kolve lives with many birds, bears, rodents, and it preys upon deer. It lives under large coniferous trees by making a den. The Kolve is completely white so it can blend in with the snow(camouflage).